How to feed a Basenji with a fat physique? these points are very important

Pet News

The basenji, a dog from Africa, is characterized by its love of cleanliness. It washes its face, and will not tolerate being in a dirty environment, so it loves cleanliness so much, and it is deeply loved by shit shovelers. Unhealthy fat dog. So, how should the Basenji be fed? The following are some feeding methods for Basenji dogs compiled by the editor.

How to feed a Basenji dog with a

First, must Control the food supply of the Basenji dog

The food supply of the Basenji dog must be controlled within a reasonable range, too much or too little is not good for the Basenji dog.

If the food is too little, it will directly affect the development of the Basenji dog, and even cause the Basenji dog to be malnourished and lose vitality in daily life; if the food is too much, it will easily cause the Basenji dog to have indigestion , the body gradually becomes fat, and thus becomes lazy, losing the agile characteristics of the Basenji.

Second, the diet structure of Basenji dogs should be balanced and reasonable

In the process of daily feeding of Basenji dogs, it is necessary to meet the needs of Basenji dogs for carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and Comprehensive vitamin needs, in order to achieve a balanced and reasonable diet requirements.

The daily feed should contain 300-350g of meat, and it should be supplemented with similar amounts of oatmeal, sugar-free biscuits and other vegetarian food. And the meat must be fresh, cooked first, then cut into small pieces, mixed with cooked vegetarian food, and then fed to Basenji dogs. Not only that, but adequate water should be prepared for Basenji dogs every day, and it should be changed frequently to ensure sufficient water in the dog's body.

Third, try not to put the Basenji and other dogs to eat together

The Basenji has a strong leadership mentality. There may be some minor fights going on with other dogs, so try not to feed your Basenji with other dogs to avoid making a mess in the house.

Fourth, pay more attention to the state of the Basenji dog

At ordinary times, pay more attention to the state of the Basenji dog, such as whether the food intake has decreased or not. If your Basenji has an appetiteSluggishness, or refusal to eat and other phenomena must be taken seriously, because it may be sick and needs to be sent to the hospital for consultation as soon as possible.

Finally, a friendly reminder: the Basenji is a two-hound dog and needs a lot of exercise every day, so it’s best for the poop shovelers to take it out for a walk every day or let it run freely to maintain sufficient exercise , so that the Basenji can grow healthier and stronger.