Today's Topic: How to Guide a Brussels Shaggy Hound Properly

Pet News

The dog partner that I want to introduce to you today is relatively rare. Anyway, I have never seen any shit-shoveling officer slipping past this kind of dog in pet stores or in my own community. It is the Brussels Hound. Although such dogs are usually rare, they are favored by many people because of their innate intelligence, brave nature, and willingness to accept training and discipline. It is reported that the Brussels Hound also has a special skill, that is, it is good at catching small animals, especially catching mice. This is its specialty, so this kind of dog is also a good helper for the family!

But no matter how good a dog is, it needs to be trained from an early age. If they are not educated correctly, they will become a troublesome little devil when they grow up. Today, the editor will introduce to you some training methods of Brussels Rough Hound.

Russell Shaggy

1. How to keep the Brussels Hound from biting

1. Ask friends around you to help feed: the Brussels Hound When they see strangers, they will have a strong sense of vigilance, and they will hurt people out of fear. A large part of this is caused by "fear of strangers". You can let your friends around you often come to your house as guests, and let your friends feed Brussels Hounds their favorite snacks every time. After each feeding, two people should praise it together, so that the dog will gradually get used to contact with strangers.

2. Serious reprimand: Whenever the Brussels Hound bites because of excitement during play, you should immediately reprimand it loudly, and you can hold up its chin when necessary. Use magazines or slippers to slam the ground and make loud noises to frighten it.

3. Use anti-bite spray: If your little one can’t change the bad habit of biting, it is recommended that you go to the pet hospital to buy a special "anti-lick and bite spray" and put it on Spray it on the dog's favorite part to get rid of its bad habit of biting.

Second, how to keep the Brussels Hound from defecating at home

1. After every meal, take the Brussels Hound to the bathroom at home for the first time, and put it in the bathroom. Spread some newspapers on the floor, and dip one of the newspapers in some of your dog's previous urine. Then loudly say "pee, poop" to it and close the toilet door. Under normal circumstances, the dog must be scratching the door, barking, and wants to come out. Be sure to control yourself, don't be too soft-hearted, close the door for 15-20 minutes, and then open the door to see if it pees and poops, if not, continue to say "pee, poop" and close the door again. This is to let your dog understandA handy slogan that lets it know what it's supposed to do when it sounds.

2. Every time it is locked in the bathroom, if it excretes a little bit, praise it without hesitation, and reward it with some snacks. This way our brussels shaggy will understand that there is a reward for peeing in this spot.

3. Our excrement shoveling officer should be patient about going to the toilet at a fixed point. This operation will last for several weeks. After a long time, we can gradually reduce the number of newspapers in the toilet so It gradually understands that it can only pee and defecate where there are newspapers. In the end, you only need to prepare a large urinal and put a newspaper in it, and it will understand what it means.

Actually, the good habits of dogs are inseparable from the education of their owners. award. Let them slowly understand what you mean, so that they know what can be done and what can't be done.