A cat meowed from the crack in the wall. It was trapped for 20 days and lost only 4 pounds.

Pet Story

If a person does not eat or drink for 20 days, he will definitely not be able to survive! So if the cat doesn’t eat or drink for 20 days, can the owner still see them?

The little kitten in this story was accidentally lost. It was missing for 20 days. The owner anxiously looked for it everywhere. Fortunately, the fate between it and its owner was not broken yet!

There was a meowing sound from the crack in the wall. It was trapped for 20 days and lost only 4 pounds

On this day, the hostess accidentally heard a cat meowing from the cracks in the wall downstairs. The sound sounded a bit like her own cat. She didn't care whether the cat was her own cat or not, she wanted to rescue it first. So she asked someone to help and punched a hole in the wall so the cat could crawl out.

At first a small hole was made, and the cat exposed its head. It tried to stretch out a paw first to see if it could crawl out. But no matter how hard it tried, its body was still stuck and it couldn't get out.

The owner is encouraging the cat to climb out! But it’s not that easy to climb out. Maybe the hole is a little too small for it, or maybe it’s because the cat doesn’t have much strength to climb out. The man next to him then tried to gently pull the cat out.

In the end, thanks to everyone’s efforts, the cat finally came out! There were feces and urine on its body, and it smelled so bad that the owner couldn't help crying. At this time, the owner didn't care about anything. She hugged the cat tightly and went home.

She also didn’t expect that the cat would be trapped in a crack in the wall for 20 days. If she hadn’t accidentally heard the cat meowing, her life would probably have been lost. Although it has been saved now, it has lost half of its life. It originally weighed 12 pounds and has lost only 4 pounds. The owner is very distressed.

There was a meowing sound from the crack in the wall. It was trapped for 20 days and lost only 4 pounds

In fact, the subsequent raising of the cat is very important. Not only should we pay attention to strengthening its nutrition and gradually returning its weight to normal, but we should also pay attention to its mental health. If it has a psychological shadow due to the experience of being trapped for 20 days, this will not be conducive to its later growth.

I think it has been a long time since the owner was lost and recovered.Fortunately, I will never let my cat get lost again. Once a stray cat becomes a stray, its life may be even more difficult. As an owner, you must be responsible and spend time with your cat.