The cat practices pull-ups, but when he can’t support himself, he takes it into consideration, which makes people praise him.

Pet Story

We all know that cats are lazy and spend most of their day lying down with their eyes closed to relax. But when they are awake, they don't stop and are very active!

The cat practices pull-ups, but when it cannot support it, it tries It’s on my heart, and I can’t help but praise it when I see it.” width=< /p>

The cat in this story loves fitness and often starts doing pull-ups while holding the cage. I don’t know where it got the courage to want to be a fitness cat. What should you do if it accidentally falls?

This cat has been playing in the cage with other companions. It is quite naughty and often exercises in the cage. I saw it holding the cage tightly with its two front paws, for fear of falling off accidentally.

The cat practices pull-ups, but when it cannot support it, it tries It’s on my heart, and I can’t help but praise it when I see it.” width=< /p>

Later, the cat was supported and prepared to practice pull-ups. Gradually, it began to lose strength. It put down its two hind paws and let itself relax. Even if you have more strength, you will be exhausted after doing pull-ups for a while!

The cat’s two front paws can hardly support it, which is worrying. I saw the cat’s little pink pads, which looked so cute. Suddenly, one of the front paws could no longer hold it, and only the other front paw was left holding on to the cage.

The cat practices pull-ups, but when it cannot support it, it tries It’s on my heart, and I can’t help but praise it when I see it.” width=< /p>

Just when it couldn’t support it anymore, it took care of it without any sense of panic: Come and make me a meat pad quickly! So, it had an idea and sat directly on its companion. This timeThe cat is obviously much more relaxed. The cat sat tightly on his companion, and the cat under his butt couldn't get away, so he had to keep letting him sit!